Faculty Of Sport Education - Abo Qir
Department of Physical Education Foundations
Head of the Department

Department Members
Nahid Nour Hamad Al-Sabbagh
Professor Emeritus
Muhammad Sabry Omar Muhammad Omar
Professor Emeritus
Nadia Muhammad Ali Sultan
Professor Emeritus
Amal Jaber Metwally Sharara
Professor Emeritus
Omaima Ibrahim Al-Ajmi Saleh
Professor Emeritus
From me Muhammad Hamad Sukkar
Professor Emeritus
Magdy Hassan Youssef Abdel Rahman
Professor Emeritus
Sakina Muhammad Nasr Ismail
Professor Emeritus
Tariq Yassin Abdul Samad Issa
Professor Emeritus
Tariq Jamal Muhammad Hamad Alaa El-Din
Muhammad Abdel Salam Ali Ibrahim
Professor Emeritus
Walid Suleiman Ismail Mahmoud
Hani Mahmoud Abdel Wanis Bou Bakr
Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Abdul Nabi Akl
Amin Muhammad Abdel Aziz Ibrahim Sharif
Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Zayed
Mahmoud Ibrahim Hamad Mara’i
Assistant Professor
Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Moneim Ibrahim Allam
Assistant Professor
Moataz Muhammad Al-Tahir Abdel Aziz
Assistant Professor
Ahmed Awad Abdel Ati Ashiba
Assistant Professor
Karem Hamad Bouzaid Muhammad Hashish
Assistant Professor
Khaled Mustafa Ismail Muhammad Al-Shabki
Assistant Professor
Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Abd al-Hadi Douma
Assistant Professor
Moataz Abdel Fattah Maghazi Abdel Fattah Al Bayaa
Muhammad Ibrahim Abdel Khaleq Rakha
Muhammad Sobhi Taha Jaafar
Ahmed Hamdy Youssef Abdel Hadi Youssef Howeidi
Latest News
Believes in the section that is no way to develop in sports without creating a generation of graduates with an integrated personal and sophisticated scientifically , intellectually and morally , they have a sense of belonging to this country and the belief that an integral part of the system is part of a required them roles in the scientific field and practical effectively and efficiently.
A system based assurance and quality development in the contents of the educational program provided by section with identifying and means compared to measure the performance section based on a system of standards distinctive agreed upon in order to determine the extent of quality section outputs and which are in line with the needs and the needs of the community labor market requirements.
Private educational process and provide the best experiences for the student goals
Preparation graduate has advanced professional skills to meet the needs of the community and the labor market and able to compete.
Re decisions Configuration section in the light of international standards.
Re-insert the core courses – kinesiology, biomechanics – and which overlooked the new regulation to what they used to be the old regulation phase Bachelor 60 hours aware of the movement of the first grade, 60 hours mechanics vital second grade and open the way for them to sign up graduate studies to obtain degrees Diploma, Masters and PhD under the slogan of kinesiology and motor control – biomechanics and motor analysis – as stated in the Scientific Conference of the department – April 2006 characterization
The work of a special laboratory department serves the different specialties in various fields.
Identify the needs of the physical and human section of the application and activating the quality system.
Careful application of laboratory materials and use of the application with the necessary hardware to give the experimental side and Applied article student.
Create and strengthen the attributes of innovation through manufacturing and assembly tools and sports equipment and educational process and original alternative.
Especially the goals of scientific research:
Give scientific validity administrative sections of the college in determining its plan for the needs of missions depending on scientific problems that require a solution to ensure the accuracy depending on the choice of contemporary issues.
Create and strengthen the integration of the research programs between scientific disciplines of the Department of Scientific and other scientific and divisions between the college and university faculties in the branches of a joint scientific spaces.
Create and consolidate a comprehensive system and a time plan for seminars and workshops Sinmarat Committee on Graduate Studies faculty and academic departments.
Coordination between the Egyptian embassies abroad and the university to limit the distinguished Egyptians abroad and consolidate aspects of cooperation to provide scholarships.
Graduate studies for students or provide the scientific section of scientific devices.
Providing the means for measuring and cutting-edge scientific research.
Research that the upgrade be linked to the pressing problems within the community to contemporary and affect the quality and production and accreditation.
Especially the goals of faculty members and their assistants
Faculty development skills through various training courses.
The provision of a number of scientific tasks for faculty members.
That there should be coordinated through bodies and institutions concerned with the general strategy of the state in terms of controls for the labor market with needed to remedy deficiencies mechanisms and to ensure purification of the labor market of non-specialists.
The provision of a number of scientific tasks for faculty members.
Providing scholarships for teachers assistants and teaching assistants.
Interest in organ faculty of the physical aspect, which allows him to full-time teaching and scientific research.