Faculty Of Sport Education - Abo Qir

Post Graduate

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PhD stage

Master's degree

Diploma stage

Frequently asked questions from college graduate students

Answer: Application throughout the year. When the student completes all the papers, the student goes to the college to enroll in the next semester.

Answer/Enter the college website

The answer: All departments are available and all specializations are available. To know the departments and specializations, go to the college’s website

الاجابة / يحق لك الالتحاق بمرحلة الماجستير شرط الحصول على دبلومة تخصصية وعددها 24 ساعة دراسية او قسم العلوم الحيوية والصحية الرياضية اجتياز عدد 20 او 24 ساعة لكمقررات تكميلية

Answer: Go to the college website to find out the start and end of registration

Answer: The first and second weeks of the fall and spring semesters, and the first week of the summer semester

Go to the college’s graduate studies department to find out tuition fees

The answer: The student must pass 50% (10) hours in the master’s degree for the new student from the fall semester of 2023. As for students enrolled before the fall of 2023, he must pass 20 academic hours as a condition of passing the general compulsory courses for both cases and pay the expenses of registering the research plan for the master’s and doctoral stages.

The answer: You should go to the Graduate Studies Department to ensure that you successfully pass all the courses and obtain the digital transformation certificate and present the topic to the Graduate Studies Council and College committees.

Answer: To know the academic advisor from the scientific department or graduate studies

Answer: Knowledge of the research supervisory body from the scientific department or graduate studies

The answer / the qualifying exam is done after all the decisions are successfully passing and recorded the research plan

The answer: The date of his registration must be known either through the researcher or seeking the assistance of the stage official

Answer: Go to the Graduate Studies Department to find out the student’s position on the courses and form a discussion

Answer / Send the message a copy + a CD to the computer unit to extract the statistics letter. Bring a letter examining the academic thesis signed by the main supervisor and approved by the college dean. Go to the digital library to bring the integrity examination letter. Reservation condition (reservation daily except Friday and Saturday at noon) Five copies of academic theses signed by Dear supervisors, it is valid for discussion. Bring everything required to the Graduate Studies Department for examination, then send a letter to the Scientific Department to approve the formation of the judging and discussion committee.

Answer: Visit the college website or go to the Graduate Studies Department

The answer: Bring five copies of a bound scientific dissertation and all the papers that the researcher reviewed before holding the discussion