زيارة وزير التعليم1

Signing an agreement on the terms of the executive plan to establish a dual degree between the University of Alexandria and the University of East London

In implementation of the principles and objectives of a national strategy for higher scientific education

- The Minister of Higher Education and the distinguished signing of the terms of the basic construction of 
the ten-year company between the University of Alexandria and the British University of East London in a planned 
“Training and Sports” program in cooperation between the Faculty of Physical Education Abu Qir in Alexandria and the 
West Ham United Foundation, the partner of the European Conference League champion West Ham United. and University of East London

Within the framework of implementing the principles and objectives of the National Strategy for Higher Education and
 Scientific Research, and supporting international partnerships for Egyptian universities, Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the signing of an agreement on the terms of the executive plan to establish dual degrees between the Universities of Alexandria and Alexandria National University and the British University of East London, at the headquarters of the University of Alexandria, Which began with the training and sports performance program.

The executive framework was signed by Dr. Abdulaziz Qanswa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Hassan Abdullah,
 Academic President of the British University of East London.
The Minister of Higher Education indicated that this cooperation comes in implementation of the principles and objectives of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, which Egyptian universities have
 begun implementing since its launch last March, praising the partnership that was signed between the representative 
of the sports community, which is the English West Ham United Foundation, which has a partnership with the partner. 
Academic University of East London, which cooperates with Alexandria Public University and Alexandria National University
 in the “Sports Training and Performance Program,” which will represent the beginning of this cooperation that aims to
 contribute to the preparation of qualified graduates in this program to meet the requirements of the local, regional, 
and international labor market.
Dr. Abdulaziz Qansouh, President of Alexandria University, indicated that this cooperation aims to create a group of 
dual degrees and joint degrees that support Egypt’s Vision 2030, and are linked to industry-related programs and 
innovation programs that will achieve educational competitiveness, especially at Alexandria National University, 
and provide opportunities for students in The local, regional and international labor market, and also cooperation
 through joint research projects, joint scientific supervision, and the exchange of professors between the two 

Dr. Hassan Abdullah, Academic President of the British University of East London, expressed his happiness at his 
presence at Alexandria University, noting that Alexandria University is going through a distinguished period through its
 cooperation with major international universities, and the establishment of dual degrees and joint programs with those
 universities, stressing that he looks forward to further cooperation with Alexandria University in several other
 academic fields, pointing out that the British University of East London has the same strategic vision in
 internationalizing education and cooperating with other international universities, noting that the “Sports Training
 and Performance Program” was developed by the University of East London, in cooperation with the West Ham Foundation.
 United English,

 the community outreach arm of European Conference League champions West Ham United Football Club The protocol signing 
activities were witnessed by Dr. Ashraf Al-Ghandour, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research,
 Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, 
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Khashin, Academic Director of Alexandria National University, Dr. Muhammad Bilal, Dean of the Faculty of 
Physical Education Abu Qir, and Dr. Rasha. Kamal, the Egyptian Cultural Attaché and Director of the Educational Mission 
in the United Kingdom, and a group of leaders from Alexandria University. From the British side, Dr. Paul Marshall,
 Vice President of the University for Professional Affairs and Entrepreneurship, Dr. David McCrory, Assistant Professor 
of Academic Partnerships and International Participation, and Dr. Stuart Bruce Law, Head of the
 Department of Physical Education at the University, attended. East London, and Professor Foyle is Director of Programs 
at the West Ham United Foundation

لمبادئ وأهداف الاستراتيجية الوطنية للتعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

In implementation of the principles and objectives of the national strategy for higher education for higher education:

– The Minister of Higher Education witnesses the signing of an agreement on the terms of the executive plan to establish a double degree between the University of Alexandria and the University of East London in the UK in offering a bachelor’s program “Training and Sports Performance” in cooperation between the Faculty of Physical Education Abu Qir University of Alexandria with the West Ham United Foundation, the main partner of the West Ham United Club. European Conference League and University of East London.

Within the framework of implementing the principles and objectives of the national strategy for higher education and
scientific research, and supporting international partnerships for Egyptian universities, Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, witnessed the signing of an agreement on the terms of the executive plan to establish double degrees between Alexandria University, Alexandria University, and the British University of East London, at Alexandria University headquarters. Which started with the Training and Sports Performance Program.

The executive framework was signed by Dr. Abdulaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University,
and Dr. Hassan Abdullah, Academic President of the British University of East London.
The Minister of Higher Education indicated that this cooperation comes in implementation of the principles and
objectives of the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, which Egyptian universities have
begun to implement since its launch last March, praising the partnership that was signed between the representative of the sports community, which is the English West Ham United Foundation, which has a partnership with the partner.

Academic University of East London, which cooperates with Alexandria State University and Alexandria National University in the “Sports Training and Performance Program”, which will mark the beginning of this cooperation, which aims to contribute to the preparation of qualified graduates in this program to meet the requirements of the local, regional and international labor market.
Dr. Abdulaziz Qansouh, President of Alexandria University, indicated that this cooperation aims to establish a group
of double degrees and joint degrees that support Egypt’s vision 2030, and are related to industry-related programs and
innovation programs that would achieve competitive education, especially at Alexandria National University, and
provide opportunities for students in The local, regional and international labor market,
as well as cooperation through joint research projects, joint scientific supervision, and the exchange of
professors between the two universities.

Dr. Hassan Abdullah, Academic President of the British University of East London, expressed his happiness at being at Alexandria University, pointing out that Alexandria University is going through a distinguished period through its cooperation with major international universities, and the establishment of double degrees and joint programs with those universities, stressing that he is looking forward to more cooperation with Alexandria University in several other academic fields, pointing out that the British University of East London has the same strategic vision in internationalizing education and cooperating with other international universities, noting that the “Sports Training and Performance Program” was developed by the University of East London, in cooperation with the West Ham Foundation. United English, the community arm of European Conference League champions West Ham United Football Club.

The protocol signing activities were witnessed by Dr. Ashraf Al-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Khashen, Academic Director of Alexandria National University, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Bilal, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Abu Qir, and Dr. Rasha Kamal, the Egyptian cultural attaché and director of the educational mission in the United Kingdom, and a group of Alexandria University leaders. Dr. Paul Marshall, Vice President of the University for Professional Affairs and Entrepreneurship, Dr. David McCrory, Assistant Professor of Academic Partnerships and International Engagement, and Dr. Stewart Bruce Low, Head of the Physical Education Department at the University of Alexandria, attended from the British side. East London, and Professor Foyle, Director of Programs at West Ham United.